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A new study published in the journal Menopause has found that dancing can be an effective way for postmenopausal women to improve their health and boost their self-esteem.
Women after menopause are more likely to experience weight gain, metabolic problems, and a negative body image, increasing their risk of heart disease.
However, physical activity, such as dancing, has been shown to help alleviate these health issues and improve overall fitness, body composition, and cholesterol levels.
Dancing is a low-cost and low-risk exercise that offers additional benefits, including improved balance, posture, gait, strength, and physical performance.
The study suggests that attending a dance class three times a week can benefit postmenopausal women, helping them maintain a healthy, independent lifestyle. By engaging in regular dance therapy, women can feel better about themselves, enhance their fitness, and reduce their risk of heart attacks.
Read More: 8 Best Must-Read Books About Menopause