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A shocking study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute confirmed popular suspicions – hair straightening chemicals are associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer in females.
During the study, data was collected from over 33 947 female participants who had treated their hair with chemicals, including straightening agents, dyes, or permanents, at least once a year. After a decade of observation, researchers found that 378 women had developed uterine cancer.
Uterine cancer is among the most common forms of cancer affecting the uterus. It either develops in the uterine lining, called endometrial cancer, or the muscles of the uterus, known as uterine sarcoma, according to Cleveland Clinic.
Unmanaged estrogen levels because of self-prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT), being overweight, or age above 50 are other factors that increase the risk of uterine cancer in women.
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